If you have a book store, book club, school or any other organization that needs at least one full carton of books, you may order books by bulk and save 40% or more.
To receive your bulk order discount, please follow the instructions below:
- Select the books you like to order by using this link. https://producejustice.com/product-category/cartons/
(Please order only full cartons using this method. Single books must be ordered separately.) - For 1 – 4 books, enter “retailer” in the coupon code to receive a 40% discount.
For 5+ books, enter “wholesaler to receive a 55% discount. - Select “prepaid shipping” at the checkout
- Complete your order
- Go to your UPS account and prepay for the label for each carton you would like to order. Enter 32# in the weight for each carton.
(If you don’t have a UPS account, you may set one up at the the UPS website by using this link. https://www.ups.com) - Email your labels to contact@producejustice.com
- Include the Order# in the Subject of your email
- Once we receive your order and label, we’ll ship your books right away.
- You’ll be able to track the order via UPS.
- Thanks in advance for your order!