If you have a book store, book club, school or any other organization that needs at least one full carton of books, you may order books by bulk and save 40% or more.

To receive your bulk order discount, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the books you like to order by using this link. https://producejustice.com/product-category/cartons/
    (Please order only full cartons using this method. Single books must be ordered separately.)
  2. For 1 – 4 books, enter “retailer” in the coupon code to receive a 40% discount.
    For 5+ books, enter “wholesaler to receive a 55% discount.
  3. Select “prepaid shipping” at the checkout
  4. Complete your order
  5. Go to your UPS account and prepay for the label for each carton you would like to order. Enter 32# in the weight for each carton.
    (If you don’t have a UPS account, you may set one up at the the UPS website by using this link. https://www.ups.com)
  6. Email your labels to contact@producejustice.com
  7. Include the Order# in the Subject of your email
  8. Once we receive your order and label, we’ll ship your books right away.
  9. You’ll be able to track the order via UPS.
  10. Thanks in advance for your order!